About Us
My Digital Marketing Approach
Armed with 7 different methodologies adapted from some of the biggest digital marketing agencies, I devised my customized approach in ranking websites, marketing services online and created a successful outreach system designed to get your articles posted on the best websites for your niche.
My Story
Started my SEO career as a Linkbuilder for Brands like Ayima, Linkstar, Web Guide Partner and more. Learned SEO through my English and Russian mentors. From Off page to On Page and technical SEO for big brands such as SEOReseller, Shopify, Sleepys, Mattress.com, Peter Kent Consulting, Digital Swarm and more. Co-founded Notimpo and also co-created SEO Shots for SEO.ORG.PH. Now I live my life as a consultant taking on projects, offering white label seo services while taking care of my family from home. Now I write to share my experiences and help you implement easy DIY SEO steps for your website.
Meet the Team
Get to know more about my SEO and Content Team.
Meg Rebueno
CMO PAFLA, SEO Consultant, Technical Writer, Super Dad and Gunpla Enthusiast. Wrote articles for SEO.ORG.PH, Notimpo.com, FullScale, SEOWizkid.com & Guest Posts for Niche Blogs and Console Gaming. Find me on Facebook: michaellarkduncan, Twitter:https://twitter.com/meg_reb and Skype: live:michaellarkduncan.